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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Charlie Roundstreet - Geek

Date of Application: March 7th, 1942
Name: Charles Lee Roundstreet
Title of Act: Geek

Description of Act:
My wild man act is of the primitive nature. I stand in the middle of a ring and I chase chickens. When I catch a chicken, I bite the head off and I chew it and I swallow it. I can eat up to seven chicken heads per day. More than that and I flounder with a wet stomach. My act has very little overhead, as I supply the cookie with all the chicken they need to feed the outfit while I save them the trouble of the chasing of the chicken and the chopping off of the chicken heads. I can also eat live toads and lizards if they are small. I have eaten live gopher, rat and prairie dog, but my tender stomach doesn't agree with the meat.

Other Talents: I can find my way around a hammer and nail and I am able to do some wrenching on the mechanical units if the roustabouts need a hand. I cannot sew or draw. My painting skills are middling.

Notes: Mr. Roundstreet was an affable enough fellow, if a mite dim-witted, which is expected in the majority of the geek population. I am not certain that the geek act is as big of a draw as it was during the height of the depression, so I am hesitant to hire the young man, though he is willing to work for meager pay if I keep him supplied in gin. As I do not have a reliable supplier of gin at a cut-rate, I believe we will pass on Mr. Roundstreet. I gave him the name of a chicken farm in Alabama where he may be able to find reliable employment, if he should be unable to land a position geeking.

- Miller Hatsfield
Senior Roustabout and Hiring Manager
The Salty Peters Traveling Carnival, Roadshow and Burlesque Review

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